
Tuesday 14 May 2013

Chocolate Finger Birthday Cake

Okay, so last week it was my friend Lauren's birthday. As I have the 'cake maker' reputation amongst my friends I felt obliged to come up with a tasty and unique idea for Lauren's birthday cake. After all, it was the girl's birthday who I played with at nursery and have basically grown up with since I was a toddler. 

As I knew I'd be busy in the week of Lauren's birthday, I wanted to do a cake that was simple yet effective.

I was searching on the web for some inspiration when I came across cakes like these.

I loved the style of these cakes, so simple yet they looked great!

Whenever I make a cake I want to make it my own so I tried to only use these cakes as a very rough guideline.
 I mean, Kit Kats are great but no one can deny how moreish chocolate fingers are! So, as you've probably guessed on my cake, I used Cadbury's chocolate fingers.

When making this cake, I wanted to make sure Lauren had some input into it (not too much though of course, I didn't want to ruin the surprise!) so  that she'd definitely like it.
I asked her if she'd prefer vanilla or chocolate sponge and jokingly she said half and half. I don't think she was expecting me to take her seriously but I accepted this challenge and made one layer chocolate and the other vanilla. She got a right surprise when she cut into it!

I found that this cake was very easy to make, probably the simplest I've done! In this cake there is no cutting pieces out to a pattern or fondant icing or fancy piping involved. The hardest part of the whole cake was probably completely spreading the cake with a thin layer of butter cream to put the chocolate fingers on with! easy peasy lemon squeezy!

It took me some time to decide what I was going to cover the top of the cake with. I wanted it tot be something colourful that I could literally just pour over the top of the cake. I considered Smarties but decided that these weren't bright enough so I settled with Skittles in the end. That would be the one thing I would change if I made this cake again however. The Skittles looked fantastic but the chewy fruitiness of them didn't really go that well with butter cream and sponge cake! (I'd go with M&M's next time!)
Anyway I saw several similar cakes to mine on the Internet that had been finished off with ribbon so I did the same with a nice bright green colour. This really sets off the end product.

Luckily for you guys, I managed to find a much better picture of the cake than the one I took on my blackberry. Now you can see how colourful this cake really was!


  1. hi eleanor, thanks for visiting my blog - looks like you're enjoying baking and decorating, so i say keep it up and have fun! :)

    1. Thank you! yes, I'm still very amateur but I enjoy it a lot and plan to keep practising :)

  2. You rock! I can't believe you are only 13! Your cake looks so proffessional! Go you.

  3. By the way, and only because you asked for tips!! It's really hard to read the comments when they are in white on such a pale background. I can see that you are going to be a really great blogger and comments are what it's all about! It might be a good idea to make the comments a bit darker. It will encourage people to chat more. After all that's what us bloggers are all about!
    Keep up the good work. I'm following you on RSS feed now. Looking forward to your next bake!

    EmmaMT (from

  4. Thank oyu, your comments mean a lot! I have changed the comment colour, hopefull this is better now. Thanks for following the Blog, I'm glad you enjoy it! There will be more bakes coming along this week!
